
Welcome to the Mother's Day Workshop of 2024, specially crafted for Cricut enthusiasts! We extend a warm  welcome to all Cricut users, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your cutting and crafting adventure. This workshop is your dedicated platform to explore the endless possibilities for Mother's Day-themed projects. Get ready to dive into the world of personalized decorations, gifts, and magic. Together, we'll share tips, tricks, and creative inspirations to make this day truly exceptional. Let's embark on a crafting journey filled with joy, creativity, and the unmistakable spirit of Mother's Day!

Before we dive into the crafting extravaganza, don't forget to grab your essential tools - your master supply list, and your trusty planner. These invaluable companions will be your guides throughout the summit, helping you keep track of what materials you need, and make the most of every crafting session. 

Join the Community

We encourage all attendees to become part of our vibrant and supportive Facebook community. Joining our dedicated group will grant you access to an incredible network of like-minded crafters, all eager to share their experiences, ideas, and insights. To join, simply click this link here:
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow Cricut enthusiasts, collaborate on exciting projects, and celebrate the holiday spirit together. We look forward to welcoming you into our thriving online crafting family!

Missed out on our countdown project? You can click here and keep doing it throughout the Workshop!

Welcome to our Summer Workshop 2024. We've prepared a lineup of exciting presentations to kick off this extraordinary event.  Bette and Tika will guide you through crafting techniques, tips, and tricks, providing you with invaluable insights to elevate your craft game. So, grab your note-taking essentials, get comfortable, and prepare to be inspired by the incredible ideas and techniques that will make your summer crafting season unforgettable.

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