Dozens of DIY Crafts Ideas
Dozens of DIY Craft Ideas for those who love crafting! Crafters are unique and willing to make almost anything - it is a passion and a way of life.
Dozens of DIY Craft Ideas for those who love crafting! Crafters are unique and willing to make almost anything - it is a passion and a way of life.
A DIY Friendship Bracelet Says It All! Friendship bracelets have been around for a very long time but one that is made by you is absolutely something special. Today we are
Potholders do not stir up dreams of a romantic kitchen but believe me, they do add to the decor of any table! By designing your own potholders you can get the perfect coordination of color and design without spending a fortune! Potholders are a staple in the kitchen and besides using them to pick up hot pans, you can use them in place of a trivet on the table or countertop. Potholders are so versatile and their uses go well beyond just the kitchen.
What are Dreamcatchers? Dreamcatchers are known as sacred hoops and are often decorated with beads and feathers. A Bohemian Dreamcatcher is simply a style! The hoops are thought to catch all
A Friend is Having her Birthday Today I am helping a friend (we used to run marathons together) celebrate her 89th birthday! Wow, it was only a short 30 years ago
Making a DIY Tote Bag > 1 Hour For today I wanted to find a project that would take me under an hour to create. I also wanted something I would
The boxes I want to create today are not square and will have some shape to them. To start, I hand-designed two different boxes. I placed the templates for each of these boxes in my resource library.
Paper Plates and Crafting Did you know that paper plates were meant to be recyclable? You use them once and then toss them out. In the early days of paper plates
When it comes to crafts, the sky is the limit when it comes to the materials you can use. Art and toilet paper rolls actually came to my attention until recently. I was watching an art presentation and noticed some of the material being used in the end product looked like toilet paper rolls. I was uncertain but it sparked my imagination and I was wanted to see what others had created and what I could make as well.