DIY Paper Flowers Journey
Do you love DIY paper flowers? I know I sure do! Today, I decided I wanted to create some daisies using crepe paper. It sounded like an excellent idea until I went shopping for the crepe paper. This is where my adventure began! I spend 3 hours trying to find some and all I could find was crepe streamers. I bought a bunch of colors and thought I could adapt them to my project. This is where it really became interesting – the results, well, I will share that a bit later.
A couple of weeks ago I did an article on “Perfecting Paper Flowers“. That article has done well so I thought I would do another one with a different flower – the daisy. This is where the fun will be. BTW, another article you might want to read is “All Occasion Ornaments” – another papercraft fav of mine and it was so much fun to do!
Back to the shopping trip! I thought I had figured out that Michaels would have everything I need but the store manager told me they had not restocked crepe paper for a year! So I tried the local office supply store just in case they may have some. The answer is no. Onward to the dollar store, the same answer they only had streamers! I bought a few as they had limited colors. OK, now where? Wal-Mart figured as a great option. Sadly, no, they did not have any but there was a different dollar store around the corner.
Yikes, only streamers AGAIN! That was it, I was going home empty handed! As a last resort I traipsed home and dropped into a really local dollar store – and again only streamers, I bought more! This was going to work. Somehow this had to work as it was getting late and I still had this blog post to complete for the day but I had to make my daisies before writing it. Here I am writing – so something did work!
Materials for a DIY Paper Daisy
This is a list of absolutely everything I used for my successes and a couple of not so great results.
- Crepe paper – White, Yellow, and Green. I had to use the streamers but these do not work very well as they are much too thin to make a decent looking flower. The result was OKish but I would rather have had a better result.
- Printer paper – I used a sheet of printer paper to make one of the daisies and it turned out not too bad. I also used the yellow and green crepe paper for this one as well.
- Floral Wire – for securing the daisy and for the daisy stem when using the crepe paper
- Floral tape – this is the best for making the stem.
- Dowel – I used the dowel to make the printer paper daisy. It was perfect!
- Glue – I used white glue to hold all the pieces together as it dries without showing.
- Scissors.
- Ruler or tape measure.
- Wire cutters – to cut the floral wire.
- Pliers – to twist the floral wire as needed.
- Template for the leaves and flower petals – you can find these in my resource library as a free download.
DIY Paper Flower Daisy Step-by-Step
It does not matter whether you are making the flower from crepe paper or from printer paper, the steps are all the same.
Step 1 – Cut 2 pieces of yellow crepe paper that are 1.5″ x 2.5 inches. Scrunch them together to make a flower center.

Step 2 – Cut another square of yellow crepe paper 3″ x 5” and place it under your scrunched pieces. Make sure your scrunched piece is centered.
Step 3 – Dot glue all around the scrunched piece and a big dot in the center of it. You will be attaching the floral wire to the center and folding the other piece around and towards the stem.

Step 4 – Cut a piece of floral wire approximately 10″ long. Crimp on end to form a circular shape and place that end into the flower center piece. Now wrap the yellow crepe around the scrunched piece and the wire to form the flower center. See the image below.
Step 5 – Using White crepe paper or office paper, trace the template pattern onto the paper or simply cut along the lines to make the daisy petals.
Step 6 – Wrap the petal piece around the center of the flower.

Step 7 – Cut a 2.5″ piece of floral wire and circle it around the stem and tighten it with the pliers. This wire will hold the petals and flower center in place.

Step 8 – Use the dull side of a pair of scissors and curl the petals of the daisy petals so it has a more flower-like appearance.
Step 9 – Trim away any excess paper on the underside of the flower (extra yellow or white.
Step 10 – Cut the leaf shapes – I used two for my flowers and it looks great. Just cut the green crepe paper to match the template. You can find the template in the resource library.
Step 11 – cut a half-inch strip of green crepe paper. You will using this to wind around the stem. You will need a couple of long strips approximately 10″ in length. Alternatively you can use floral tape.

Step 12 – Wind the crepe paper (or floral tape) around the stem and add the leaves as you work your way to the bottom of the stem. Be sure to add a dab of glue whenever you feel it is necessary.
Step 13 – Optionally you can add some paint to the center of the flower for a further splash of color.
Step 14 – Repeat the steps to make a whole bouquet of flowers. These are so cute when you have finished them.

Other DIY Paper Flowers you can Make – Books of Interest
My paper daisies are just one type that you can make – here are a couple of resources for other types of DIY paper flowers.
17 Flower Craft Ideas: How to Make Paper Flowers, Easy Fabric Flowers and More
The Fine Art of Paper Flowers: A Guide to Making Beautiful and Lifelike Botanicals
Paper to Petal: 75 Whimsical Paper Flowers to Craft by Hand
Video Help for DIY Paper Flowers
How to make a paper flower Daisy | Beautiful Paper Flowers – Jarine’s Crafty Creation
Chamomile, daisy paper flower diy tutorial.Paper flowers easy for children, for kids,for beginners
Crepe Paper Daisy Flower Tutorial | DIY Paper Daisy Flower | Creative DIY
Last Word on DIY Paper Flowers
I am truly pleased with my last make on the DIY paper flower daisy even if I had to juggle around the template to make it work for me. Understanding that sometimes the perfect materials are not going to be available made it easier to adapt my process to fit the circumstances.
Did you make your DIY paper flower? Start by downloading the template from my resource library then make one when the time is convenient.
Let’s see what else we can make tomorrow…
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