BettesMakes Crafters Club Coloring Contest

Follow the directions below in order to join our coloring contest

A winner will be announced at the end of the month - the winner receives a $20 Gift Certificate

August Coloring Contest

For this month's coloring contest, you will be making your own coloring page or pages! Here is what you need to do:

1. Download any freebie or item from the resource library to use for your coloring page.

2. Go into Design Space and upload the files you will be using

3. Add the items to your Canvas.

4. Create a rectangle on the screen that is 6.25" x 9.25" and make it white.

5. Start adding your coloring page design elements into the rectangle.

6. When you are satisfied with your coloring page design, select all in the rectangle plus the rectangle itself and Flatten the design.

7. Save your design.

8. Click on Make It.

9. Select your printer and print your project.

10. As this will be print and cut, select your material - copy paper or something similar.

11. Cut the page on your Cricut.

When you have finished the coloring contest, take a photo of your page or a screenshot from Design Space and post it into our Facebook group.

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